Controls for Hades 2 showcases information regarding the input mechanisms for Melinoe's movement, combat, and interactions. Listed below are details on the default configuration for PC, keyboard and mouse as well as controller.


Hades 2 Controls Guide

Although you can play and complete Hades 2 using a mouse and keyboard on PC, the developers recommend using a controller for a superior gaming experience. Mouse and keyboard users might find it advantageous to reassign Special to the right mouse button and Cast to a more accessible key or another mouse button. Special is utilized more frequently than Cast, and Cast only becomes a powerful offensive tool after obtaining talent upgrades in the Mirror of Night, making this configuration more efficient for gameplay.




W, A, S, D L Move Up/Left/Down/Right
E RB Interact
G Lt Gift
Left Mouse Button X (Tap X) Attack: Launches successive attacks, creating a combo based on the equipped weapon.
(Hold X) Omega Attack: After a brief charge, releases a powerful attack that consumes Magick
Right Mouse Button B (Tap B) Cast: Conjures a Magic Circle that traps enemies within it.
(Hold N) Omega Cast: After a brief charge, enhances the Magic Circle to inflict massive damage on trapped enemies, costing Magick.
Q Y (Tap Y) Special: Executes the weapon's special attack, typically stronger or with a longer range.
(Hold Y) Omega Special: After a short charge, unleashes a powerful special attack that uses Magick.
Space A (Tap A) Dash: Allows Melinoe to dash a short distance, useful for evading enemy attacks.
(Hold A) Sprint: Enables Melinoe to run at full speed, making it easier to dodge projectiles while moving.
Space + Left Mouse Button A+X Dash-Strike: Melinoe attacks immediately after dashing, effectively countering an enemy's attack.
F RT Call
Hold C Hold LB Open Codex
B Back Button Boon Info

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