FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions for Hades 2 contains information regarding the different questions and answers that are commonly brought up by the community. This page, includes information that will answer your questions. But, if you cannot find the question you are looking for here, please feel free to add it to the list should you find it elsewhere so that other players may get their questions answered.


Hades 2 Faqs

Is Hades 2 a direct sequel to Hades?

Yes. Hades 2 is a direct sequel to the 2020s roguelike dungeon crawler released by Supergiant Games. Actually, it is the first sequel the developer has created.

When will Hades 2 will come out?

Hades 2 does not have a fixed release yet. Early access has been released on May 6th, 2024, on PC via Steam and Epic Games store.

Will Hades 2 be released on consoles?

Currently, Supergiant Games has confirmed Hades 2 for Pc, but given their previous experience and game releases as reference, it is highly likely that Hades 2 ends up being released on consoles.

Do I need to know about Greek Mythology to understand Hades 2?

Although the game is firmly rooted in greek mythology, it takes many liberties regarding characters and their personalities. Players may do not need to be acquainted with Greek mythology in order to understand the game.

Can I play as Zagreus in Hades 2?

No. The main character in Hades 2 is Melinoe. She is Zagreus's younger sister, and you play as her during the whole game.

Do I need to play Hades to be able to understand Hades 2?

Given that Hades 2 is a direct sequel, it does add to have played the first game. However, players can play and enjoy Hades 2 even if they are newcomers to the franchise. There will be many recognizable faces around for players that have traveled through Tartarus with Zagreus.

What type of game is Hades 2?

Hades 2 is a roguelike dungeon crawler, that has many RPG aspects as well as a punishing and fast-paced combat. 

Will Darren Korb be in charge of Hades 2 soundtrack?

Yes. Darren Korb is the audio director and composer of Supergiant Games, and will return to grants us with a newly-created epic soundtrack for Hades 2. He has created the music of all Supergiant Games titles. (Bastion, Transistor, Pyre, and Hades)

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