Keepsakes in Hades 2 are special items that can be equipped on Melinoe, and grant her different types of benefit during a run. Players will not have access to Keepsakes at the start of the game, and they will become available later on. Players have to give Nectar to the different NPCs they encounter to receive a Keepsake from them in exchange.

Nectar can be found in rooms that have its icon on the door, or can be purchased from the Wretched Broker, but in the latter's case, only one per run can be acquired.


Hades 2 All Keepsakes Guide

How can I upgrade Keepsakes in Hades 2?

Keepsakes can be upgraded in Hades 2, they always start at its first level (1-star rank) when first found, and can be leveled up to level 3 (3-stars rank). 

  • rank star hades2 wiki guide30px Rank: Default level, all Keepsakes start at this level.
  • rank star hades2 wiki guide30pxrank star hades2 wiki guide30pxRank: Equip a 1 - Star Rank Keepsake for 25 encounters to raise it to this level.
  • rank star hades2 wiki guide30pxrank star hades2 wiki guide30pxrank star hades2 wiki guide30pxRank: Equip a 2 - Stars Rank Keepsake for 50 encounters to raise it to this level.

The higher level a Keepsake is, the greater the bonus or bonuses it provides.

How do I obtain Nectar in Hades 2?

Nectar can be found in rooms that have its icon nectar icon hades2 wiki guide50pxon the door, or can be purchased from the Wretched Broker, but in the latter's case, only one per run can be acquired.

Once players have acquired Nectar, they can gift it to most NPCs, and in exchange players will receive a Keepsake.

Where can I find my Keepsakes in Hades 2?

Once you give nectar icon hades2 wiki guide50pxNectar out to a NPC for the first time, you will find a glass showcase, in the last area before starting a run, near the Nocturnal Arms area. Interact with it to check your available Keepsakes.


Hades 2 All Keepsakes



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How to get

Adamant Shard
A Boon of Hephaestus is likely. You can Rarify his [X Rarity] blessings once this night. Common Rare Epic Give Nectar to Hephaestus.
Aromatic Phial
Fountains restore +20% Life. The next makes 1 random Common Boon of yours [X Rarity]. Rare Epic Heroic Give Nectar to Narcissus
Barley Sheaf
A Boon of Demeter is likely. You can Rarify her [X Rarity] blessings once this night. Common Rare Epic Give Nectar to Demeter
Beautiful Mirror
A Boon of Aphrodite is likely. You can Rarify her [X Rarity] blessings once this night Common Rare Epic Give Nectar to Aphrodite
Blackened Fleece
After you take 250 damage, your Ω Moves deal [+X%] damage. 20% 30% 40% Give Nectar to Medea
Cloud Bangle
A Boon of Zeus is likely. You can Rarify his [X Rarity] blessings once this night Common Rare Epic Give Nectar to Zeus
Concave Stone
After choosing a Boon, [X%] of the time randomly take 1 more, once this night. Chance of Extra Boon: 25% Chance of Extra Boon: 50% TBD Give Nectar to Echo
Crystal Figurine
After the next Guardian, activate 1 random [Rank X] Arcana Card. 1 2 3 Give Nectar to Circe
Discordant Bell
After each Encounter, you deal [X%] damage, but also take that much. 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% Give Nectar to Eris
Everlasting Ember
A Boon of Hestia is likely. You can Rarify her [X Rarity] blessings once this night. Common Rare Epic Give Nectar to Hestia
Evil Eye
Deal [+X%] damage to the last foe that vanquished you. +20% +25% +30% Give Nectar to Nemesis
Engraved Pin
After you fall to 0 Life, become Impervious for 10 Sec. If no foes remain, restore [X] Life 30 45 60 Give Nectar to Moros
Experimental Hammer
Gain one random Daedalus Hammer upgrade that lasts for [X] encounters 10 15 20 Give Nectar to Icarus
Ghost Onion
Whenever you exit a Location, fully restore your Life, up to a total of [X] Healing this night. 50 75 100 Give Nectar to Dora
Gold Purse
Gain [+X]Gold Crowns once this night. +100 +125 +150 Give Nectar to Charon
Iridescent Fan
A Boon of Hera is likely. You can Rarify her [X Rarity] blessings once this night. Common Rare  Epic Give Nectar to Hera
Knuckle Bones
The next Guardian loses [-X%] Life. You take -15% damage from Guardians. -5% -10% -15% Give Nectar to Odysseus
Lion Fang
Deal +30% bonus damage, but lose 5% of this after each Encounter. +30% +40% +50% Give Nectar to Heracles
Luckier Tooth
After you fall to 0 Life, automatically restore [X] Life once this night. Life Restored: 51 Life Restored: 76 Life Restored: 101 Give Nectar to Schelemus
Metallic Droplet
You move, strike, and Channel 20% faster for the next [X] Sec. 200 Sec. 300 Sec. 400 Sec. Give Nectar to Hermes
Moon Beam
You gain [+X] upgrade(s) for your Hex from the next Path of the Stars you find. +1 +2 +3 Give Nectar to Selene
Purest Hope
A Boon of Apollo is likely. You can Rarify his [X Rarity] blessings once this night Common Rare Epic Give Nectar to Apollo
Silken Sash
Gain +20 Armor. While you have at least 1 Armor, gain [X] Armor after each Location. +2 Armor +3 Armor +4 Armor Give Nectar to Arachne
Silver Wheel
After you use mana icons hades2 wiki guide25px, restore it over 3 Sec., up to a total of [X] mana icons hades2 wiki guide25pxthis night. Total Magick: 1000 Total Magick: 1500 Total Magick: 2000 Give Nectar to Hecate.
Transcendent Embryo
Gain a random [X Rarity] Chaos blessing once this night. Every 8 Encounters, replace it. Common Rare Epic Give Nectar to Chaos
Vivid Sea
A Boon of Poseidon is likely. You can Rarify his [X Rarity] blessings once this night. Common Rare Epic Give Nectar to Poseidon
White Antler
While you have no more than 30 Life, you have [+X%] chance to deal Critical damage. +20% +30% +40% Give Nectar to Artemis


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    • Anonymous

      CRYSTAL FIGURINE specifies the maximum Rank of the arcana card activated, which goes up with item Upgrades, the quantity of cards is always 1.

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