NPCs for Hades 2 are non-playable characters in the game that players will interact with as MelinoeNPCs in the game are comprised of different names in Greek mythology, both major and minor. Some NPCs are in charge of certain features in the game that will help the player. NPCs may also give players Keepsakes which grant certain bonuses when equipped. However, certain actions must be taken for NPCs to grant these to players. Some NPCs in the game can be bonded with by giving them certain items. As a Rogue-like game, players will also get hints and world-building immersion through the precious moments of dialogue they have with NPCs. This page lists all the NPCs in the game, where they can be found, and what special interactions or features players can have with them.


Hades 2 All NPCs Guide

Hades 2 All NPCs of The Unseen

dora npc hades 2 wiki guide

Listless Shade

A small ghost with long hair. She can be friendly at times, but more often demonic.

headmistress hecate npc hades 2 wiki guide
Headmistress Hecate (NPC)

Witch of the Crossroads

Mentor and teacher of Melinoe. She entrusts the quest to kill Chronos to you.

hypnos npc hades 2 wiki guide

Sleep Incarnate

Entrapped in the state of sleep. You must also find a way to get him out of this state.

moros npc hades 2 wiki guide

Doom Incarnate

A light grey-colored being with a great physique. Head to him for small side quests for more rewards.


nemesis npc hades 2 wiki guide

Retribution Incarnate

A strong female warrior. Has a strong dislike and jealousy for Melinoe.

odysseus npc hades 2 wiki guide

Veteran Tactician

A Veteran Tactician and also the Mastermind of the Trojan Horse. He has encountered almost all of the foes you can imagine.

schelemeus npc hades 2 wiki guide

Training Master

Was once a training dummy, now the Training Master in the underworld. Make sure to test our your new moves on him.

selene npc hades 2 wiki guideSelene

Moon Incarnate

Selene is the Goddess of the Moon and the daughter of Hyperion and Theia. She can turn enemies into harmless critters.


Hades 2 All Olympian Gods

aphrodite npc hades 2 wiki guide

Goddess of Love

She is the Goddess of Love who wields a heart spear. Just like in the previous game, she almost wears nothing.

apollo npc hades 2 wiki guide

God of Light

Apollo is the God of Light and the sister of Artemis. He bears a bow just like his sister.

artemis npc hades 2 wiki guide

Goddess of the Hunt

Artemis is the Goddess of the Hunt. She wears the pelt of one of her hunts around her neck.

chaos npc hades 2 wiki guide

Primordial Originator

Chaos is different than the other gods. Instead of boons that offer instant upgrades, he offers boons that will cause both a debuff and a buff for Melinoe.


demeter npc hades 2 wiki guide

Goddess of Seasons

Goddess of the Seasons who looks battle-ready for her attire. Her attire is a mixture of all the seasons.

hades npc hades 2 wiki guide

God of the DeadPrisoner of Time

King of the underworld and is currently imprisoned by Chronos. He was attacked by Chronos after escaping from Tatarus.

hephaestus npc hades 2 wiki guide

God of the Forge

A mast blacksmith who forges only the best. Looks down upon weapons not forged by him.

hera npc hades 2 wiki guide

Queen of the Olympians

Queen of the Olympians and Goddess of marriage. She is the Partner of Zeus, the King of the Olympians.


hermes npc hades 2 wiki guide

God of Swiftness

He is the God of Swiftness who infiltrated the army of Chronos. He serves as a spy for Olympus.

hestia npc hades 2 wiki guide

Goddess of Flame

She is the Goddess of Flame who can only be encountered through luck. Only the red glow of her eyes can be seen under her cloak.

poseidon npc hades 2 wiki guide

God of the Sea

He is the God of the Sea with a positive attitude. He is the wielder of the iconic trident.

zeus npc hades 2 wiki guide

King of the Olympians

Zeus is the God of Lightning and the King of the Olympians. He has a strong attitude and serves as the leader of the Olympians.


Hades 2 All Other NPCs

arachne npc hades 2 wiki guide

Silk Weaver

A small friendly spider of the underworld. You can only encounter her through luck.

circe npc hades 2 wiki guide

Witch of Changing

Circe is an Enchantress and daughter of Helios. She is a master of potions and herbs.

echo npc hades 2 wiki guide

Dispirited Nymph

A nymph who is cursed by repeating the last spoken words to her by Hera. She helps Melinoe by giving her Plaintive echoes.

eris npc hades 2 wiki guide
Eris (NPC)

Strife Incarnate

Her purpose is to cause chaos to wherever she goes. Despite being immortal, she acts like a spoiled teenager.


icarus npc hades 2 wiki guide

Free Spirit

Son of the great inventor, Daedalus. He died after his wings were melted by the sun after flying too high.

medea npc hades 2 wiki guide

Witch of Shadows

A witch who married the hero Jason. She murdered him after Jason decided to to have another family.

narcissus npc hades 2 wiki guide

Beautiful Flower

Known as the most beautiful man in the world. He rejected his suitors and eventually fell in love with the reflection of himself.



Hades 2 All Special Merchants and NPCs

charon npc hades 2 wiki guide

Stygian Boatman

Charon sells a rotating stock of items. Take a look at his store and see what you need.

wretched broker npc hades 2 wiki guide
Wretched Broker

One of the unlockable merchants in the game.




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