Headmistress Hecate (NPC)

headmistress hecate npc hades 2 wiki guide
Title Witch of the Crossroads
Faction The Unseen
Voice Actor Amelia Tyler

Headmistress Hecate (NPC) is an NPC in Hades 2. Headmistress Hecate is the Witch of the Crossroads and is a tall witch with a metallic left arm. Hecate will serve as the first Boss battle in the game since she is your mentor. This will only be a test that Hecate does to your character to make sure you are prepared for the rest of the journey.


Where to Find Headmistress Hecate (NPC) in Hades 2

  • Headmistress Hecate Boss Chamber Symbol: cinder item boss door symbol hades 2 wiki guide
  • Headmistress Hecate also appears as the main boss upon reaching the last chamber of the first biome, Erebus.
  • Upon defeating her for the first time, players can find her sitting at her throne at the Crossroads or the main hub of the game.


About Headmistress Hecate (NPC) in Hades 2

In Hades 2, Hecate is the Witch of the Crossroads and is the Mentor of your main character, Melinoe. During Melinoe's childhood, Melinoe expressed her desire to defeat Chronos and Hecate assured her that she will do everything in her power to make sure Melinoe succeeds. In Greek Mythology, Goddess Hecate was portrayed as the patroness of witchcraft and magic. She was revered in the homes as a guardian goddess who provided wealth, and she was the daughter of the Titans Perses and Asteria.


Hades 2 Headmistress Hecate (NPC) Notes & Trivia

  • Notes and tips about this character go here



All NPCs in Hades 2
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