Walkthrough for Hades 2 covers a systematic guide to progressing through the game and eventually clearing all of the game's Locations and discovering the entirety of its story. This guide will include information on some important items to acquire and important features to unlock and utilize in order to be able to go through all of the game's hurdles. This guide will also include important and notable NPC interactions, as well as all the Bosses you will encounter throughout the playthrough.


Hades 2 Full Walkthrough Guide

Hades 2 Biomes Navigation

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Erebus ♦
Oceanus ♦
Tartarus ♦


Hades 2 Erebus Walkthrough

General Info

NPCs Encountered

All Items

Erebus Bosses

Erebus Mini-Bosses




You will start the game in Melinoe's memory of playing hide and seek with Hecate, you can roam around to look for her, interact with the other NPCs in the area, and treat this as a tutorial for the movement mechanics and so on. Once you've captured Hecate a few times, there will be a dialogue between Melinoe and Hecate about her mother and Chronos.

After a brief cutscene, you will be brought to Erebus. Normally you will start with a God or Goddess providing you with a set of Boons to choose from or the Daedalus Hammer to aid you in the chambers. However, if you die during your run in Erebus, you will be transported back into the Crossroads and you will be able to see and interact with the following NPCs:


Erebus Environment Guide

Each chamber will have the same elements and types of enemies, items can be found in different chambers and you may come across the following in one or more chambers in Erebus.

Dead Trees

Dead trees can often be seen in most chambers in Erebus, either containing one or more in each chamber. These are beneficial when going against large groups of enemies, as when hitting a dead tree, it will send out a shockwave in the direction you hit it which deals damage to enemies. The shockwave also gets rid of the enemies' shield quicker for you.


Moly is a yellow flower with six pointy petals that can be picked up and used for incantations later on in the game.

Nightshade Seeds

Nightshade Seeds can be dug up with a Silver Spade in little piles of dirt that can be seen in some chambers in Erebus. These seeds can later be planted at the Crossroads.

Silver Pile

Silver Piles may be seen in some chambers but not all of them, they can be mined with a Crescent Pick to obtain 3 Silver.

Gold Urns

Gold Urns are small pots that contain gold, you can destroy them to obtain the Gold inside. However, you will need to perform the Propensity Toward Gold incantation to unlock the function. You may take the gold to Charon's Shop or Charon's Well to purchase Items.


Erebus Unique Chambers

Each chamber will be different for each run. Sometimes you will have a chamber filled with enemies, while some have none at all but could have more materials and items to pick up. Sometimes you may come across chambers with unique NPCs that act as merchants to help you during your run.

Charon's Shop

Charon's Shop can be found in the middle chambers of Erebus, and again before the Boss Fight. It can be seen with a sack with a golden skull on the top, the same as the symbol upon entry. Charon's Shop has the following items you can purchase if you have a sufficient amount of gold:


Arachne's Nest

Arachne offers Melinoe pieces of clothing that grant some Shield as well as some passive effects. Arachne offers the following dresses for you to purchase with a sufficient amount of gold:

  • Azure Dress
  • Emerald Dress
  • Lavender Dress
  • Moonlight Dress
  • Onyx Dress
  • Scarlet Dress


Nemesis' Challenge Rooms

During your run through Erebus, you may encounter Nemesis but there is a chance that Nemesis will help you clear the chamber of enemies. If Nemesis has not defeated them, she will bet 100 Gold with you to see who will clear the chamber faster. If Nemesis has defeated them, you will have to give a portion of your Health in exchange for a consumable, some Boon in exchange for Gold, and some Gold in exchange for a consumable. Once the room is complete, Nemesis will quickly run towards a gate that makes it unavailable for you, so you will have to check which gate you wish to go through before clearing the chamber and quickly run into the gate you wish to go through.


Artemis' Challenge Rooms

As for Artemis' room, you may encounter her at a random chamber and she will also fight off the enemies with you. Once completed, you will be rewarded with whatever the room reward is, as well as one of Artemis' Boons.


Erebus Mini-Bosses


The Shadow-Spiller will spawn in the middle of a Figure 8 chamber, you will not be able to deal damage to it unless you are within the intersecting parts of the chamber as well. Thorn-Weepers will also spawn and shoot tracking roots at you constantly, making it harder to fight this mini-boss. It is recommended to take out all the thorn-weepers before taking on the Shadow Spiller to avoid getting overwhelmed. The Shadow-Spiller can perform 2 attacks, it has a tentacle with a ball at the end to hit you and deal damage while knocking you back, it will also punch the ground and deal damage if you're close by.



The Root-Stalker will also spawn in the middle of a circular chamber, it has armor that causes it to be unable to move therefore it has small vines that will attempt to damage you. As that is happening, The Root-Stalker will shoot spines at you while tracking your location. It is recommended to attack the vine first then make your way to attack the Root-Stalker.


Erebus Boss - Headmistress Hecate

Headmistress Hecate will appear in a chamber that is much bigger and contains several Dead Trees and will be your first boss in Hades 2. Hecate will stand in the middle for most of the first phase and her attacks are pretty straightforward, one of which is her ring of flames that expands around her and will deal damage to you. At this moment, you can use your ranged attacks to deal damage to her. Another one of her attacks is that she will divide herself into clones of 3 that will last a period. As the clones, she will fire projectiles at you. At 75% health, she will become momentarily invulnerable and will shoot out smaller arcs of Fiery Boomerangs, she will also summon smaller enemies to overwhelm you. Once you get her to 30% health, she will cast her shield and become momentarily invulnerable again, she will stand in the middle and summon a sigil that will explode on the ground. Her final state will be harder to defeat, she will cast clones and you will have to figure out which one is the correct Hecate. She will teleport behind you to try to attack you with a quick attack. For a more in-depth guide on defeating Headmistress Hecate, please check out this link. Once you defeat Headmistress Hecate, she will drop a Cinder and you will be able to advance to Oceanus.


Hades 2 Oceanus Walkthrough

General Info

NPCs Encountered

All Items

Oceanus Bosses

Oceanus Mini-Bosses

Oceanus Enemies


Oceanus is the second biome of the Underworld which is Poseidon's Domain, you will encounter aquatic enemies that will try to prevent you from reaching the Fields of Mourning.


Oceanus Environment Guide


Lotus flowers can be seen in Oceanus that are pink with orange streaks, you may collect them to use for incantations in the future.

Cattail Seeds

Cattail Seeds have an appearance of dandelion fluff and grow on fur-like tufts. You will need to use your Silver Spade to dig up the seeds. You can then plant these seeds at the Crossroads to obtain Cattail.

Limestone Deposits

Limestone Deposits are grey blocks that you can mine using your Crescent Pick, you will obtain 3 when you mine it.

Gold Urns

Gold Urns make a return here from the Erebus biome. They have the same function when you destroy them, you will obtain gold to use at Charon's Shop or Charon's Well.

Steam Exhausts

Steam Exhausts are traps that can be easily spotted with a tentacle design with eyes and a mouth. You can stand on it, then it will immediately begin bursting out steam to the area around it that will deal damage to nearby enemies and yourself as well if you are not careful where you step.

Siren Pipes

Siren Pipes can be seen in gold, decorating the walls of some chambers in Oceanus. Hitting them 3 times will cause them to burst and shoot out a long-range stream of steam, dealing damage to enemies.

Explosive Tanks

Explosive Tanks can be seen in most chambers in Oceanus as large cylinder tanks. You can hit it to gradually turn red and eventually explode which damages a large area in the room, followed by steam covering a portion of a room which will also deal damage.

Serpent Shooters

Serpent Shooters appear as open pumps on the walls in some chambers. These pipes will activate from time to time and will shoot out water that will push you and your enemies back as well.


Oceanus Unique Chambers

Narcissus' Chamber

Sometimes, some chambers will not have any enemies and have friendly allies instead to aid you on your journey. Narcissus will allow you to choose from three second-hand gifts. Such as the following:

  • Ancestral Offering
  • Fates' Trimmings
  • Heartfelt Condolences
  • Mixed Blessings
  • Mystic Secrets
  • Precious Metals
  • Verdure Sample
Nemesis' Challenge Rooms

Nemesis' Challenge Room acts the same in Oceanus as it does in Erebus. Nemesis will request a few things from you, she will challenge you to defeat more enemies than her, and if you do, she will reward you with 100 Gold, if you lose, you will have to pay her 100 Gold. She will ask you to take one of her hits in exchange for some consumables. She will offer you Gold in exchange for a random Boon you have, and she will offer you a consumable in exchange for some Gold.

Just like in Erebus, Nemesis will rush to one of the gates, so be sure to check your options and get to the gate you wish to proceed to before she does, she might also appear at Charon's Shop to steal one of his items from you.

Artemis's Challenge Rooms

Just like Nemesis, Artemis could also appear in Oceanus, though she won't spawn as frequently as she did in Erebus. She will also help you take out the enemies in a chamber and will offer you a Boon as well as gain the chamber's rewards.

Chronos' Challenge Rooms

Oceanus has its own unique challenge room in which Chronos will appear and he will teleport Melinoe to a map in Hades 1. There will be a meter and you will have to stay within the circle until it reaches 100%, you will then get teleported back to Oceanus.


Oceanus Mini-Bosses

Deep Serpent

The Deep Serpent shares the same appearance as the Sea Serpent only larger in size, and harder to counter. Its chamber is a large square with a pool of water in the middle of the room, 4 Dire Sop-Sindles will be seen in each corner of the room. The Deep Serpent will vomit projectiles that will cover most of the room and will deal damage when they hit you, the affected areas will be indicated in red large circles so you will know where to go to be safe. Another attack it does is that it will spit out a projectile that will split in 5 directions each one splitting in 5 again, with each split getting faster and faster. Best to get as far as possible from the projectiles to avoid getting hit by them.


King Vermin & Wretched Pests

King Vermin or Uh-Oh is one of the rarest encounters in Oceanus, King Vermin will have a health bar displayed on the top of the screen while most mini-bosses do not. You may keep heading into boss chambers when going through Oceanus to attempt to find Uh-Oh. Uh-Oh only has a few attacks and is relatively easy to take out. Uh-Oh has a charged rush where he will rush to where Melinoe stands, but a glowing indicator will appear when Uh-Oh lands his attack. Another one is his scream, where he will scream with begin pulsing in red, this attack does more damage than his charging attack. Uh-Oh, will do a jump slam attack when he gets too close to Melinoe dealing in medium-sized AoE damage. Uh-Oh will also summon Wretched Pests when Uh-Oh is around 30% in health, these summons will throw bombs around the arena. There will be indicators on the ground as to where the bombs will land.


Oceanus Boss - Scylla and the Sirens

In Oceanus, you will not just be going against Scylla and the Sirens, but she will also have 2 others who join her, Jetty and Roxy. Each of them has their own set of attacks.

Roxy will mainly stay in one place and use her drums to perform some attacks. One of which is she sweeps the entire room from top to bottom and vice versa, you will have to observe where the safe gaps are to stand in to avoid the sweeps. Another one of her attacks is that she'll deal damage to a large portion of the room except, for an area in front of her, which will be indicated with a circle around her, and opposite her, the areas that will deal damage will be indicated in red circles.

Jetty will distract you and may even lead you into Roxy's attacks. She will sometimes glow in white and shoot out projectiles that will stun you when they connect, Jetty will track Melinoe as she shoots them in a linear direction. Another attack she performs is when she holds up her guitar, it will glow for a brief moment and will dash towards you. If you are unable to avoid her, her dash will deal damage as well as her aftershock when she reaches the end of her dash that deals extra damage.

Scylla cannot be attacked from the back as she has a protective shell that blocks attacks from the back. She can release W-shaped shockwaves forward when her right hand appears red, she will then continue to follow you after the attack. Her next attack is when she closes up into a clam to charge up and release projectiles from the front part of her clam, these projectiles will shoot out really far but can be dodged. When she lifts and shakes her mic, she will start to shoot musical projectiles that will track you for a brief period, however, these projectiles do move quite slowly. When she stops in her place and leans forward from her shell, she will release 4 red beams that will reach far out into the room and will begin spinning for a brief moment, try to avoid them as they do deal a considerable amount of damage to you. You might hear a distorted noise if you are close to her, if you hear this, you should immediately back away as she could attack you with her mic.

Scylla, Jetty, and Roxy all share the same health bar, but it is recommended to take out each member one at a time, from Roxy to Jetty, then Scylla to reach 50% health. Once defeated, they will join up again for phase 2 where one of them will have boosted attacks.

For Scylla
  • Increased range for her shockwave
  • The spinning beam will now shoot out
  • Can shoot more projectiles from her shell
For Jetty
  • Faster attacks
  • Creates shockwaves while she dashes
For Roxy
  • Has new attack patterns



Hades 2 Fields of Mourning Walkthrough

General Info

  • Biome: Fields of Mourning
  • Chambers: 6

NPCs Encountered

All Items

Fields of Mourning Bosses

  • Infernal Cerberus

Fields of Mourning Mini-Bosses

Fields of Mourning Enemies


The Fields of Mourning is home to Inferal Cerberus and the broken-hearted dead, the chambers in this area are much larger than previous biomes. Several NPCs can be found in this area such as Echo, Nemesis, and many more.


Fields of Mourning Environment Guide


Myrtle are white flowers with 5 petals found in some of the chambers in the Fields of Mourning. Collect them to use them for certain incantations.

Miasama Pools

Miasama Pools are red puddles can that be found in some chambers in the Fields of Mourning and will spew out red fog slowly that will slow down and depress Melinoe for a brief moment, you can avoid it by dashing around the fog.

Heart Trees

Heart-shaped trees can be seen in some chambers, also near major rewards, and they will shoot out thorns in the direction where Melinoe hits them, which can be used against enemies. Enemies will also be able to hit and trigger them as well.

Thorn Bushes

Thorn Bushes can be seen and used in every chamber you enter. Just like the heart-shaped trees, Melinoe can hit thorn bushes and it will shoot out thorns to deal damage to enemies.

Wheat Seeds

Wheat Seeds require you to use your Silver Spade to dig out from mounds of dirt that you find in the Fields of Mourning and can be planted at the Crossroads.

Glassrock Deposits

Glassrock is a black shiny rock that can be found in some chambers in the Fields of Mourning used to craft equipment such as Argent Skulls and will need to be mined with your Crescent Pick on ore deposits.

Golden Boughs

Golden Boughs are things that you can interact with especially when using the Revivng a Mournful Husk incantation to ensure that each chamber will have a Bough to help seek out Minor and Major rewards from the maps.

Ruinous Statues

Ruinous Statues can normally be found by a Major Reward and hit a few times to release a shockwave to knock back enemies and deal damage to them. 


Fields of Mourning Unique Chambers

Charon's Shop

You will encounter Charon's Shop again in Fields of Mourning, specifically before the Fields of Mourning Boss Fight. You will be able to purchase the following from Charon at her shop:


Echo's Chamber

There is another chamber that is occupied by an ally, Echo. When entered, a shadow will start to say whichever word Melinoe last said, and Echo will offer Melinoe a gift of one of the following:

  • Boon, Boon, Boon - To gain a Boon from a previous run
  • Evade, Evade, Evade - To gain 50% dodging chance but lose 2% of it with each dodge made
  • Fight, Fight, Fight - To gain 50% in Health and Magicka but lose 5% of it with each location reached
  • Reward, Reward, Reward - To gain a copy of a recently claimed reward
  • Survive, Survive, Survive - To replace all the spent uses of Death Defiance with the ones that restore 50% in Health and Magicka


Field of Mourning Enemies

Mourning Wailer

The Mourning Wailer is the Field of Mourning's version of the Erebus Wailer that you may encounter while at a major reward. It follows you momentarily while shouting which deals damage in front of them with a cone indicator. They will also perform a shockwave that will also deal damage to you.


The Sorrow-Spiller is the Fields of Mourning's version of the Erebus mini-boss, the Shadow-Spiller, which may also appear during a major reward encounter. This enemy has a shield and has the same attack patterns as the Shadow-Spiller. It will also cast a shadow around it that acts as a protection shield. You will have to walk in to defeat it. We recommend taking out this enemy before taking out the other smaller enemies in the chamber.


The Blight-Shade compared to all the enemies in the Field of Mourning is the easiest to kill, and can often be encountered outside major rewards, and sometimes around minor rewards and Golden Boughs if unlocked by the incantation. It shoots out projectiles that are slow and can be dodged, therefore defeating them would not be a challenge at all.


The Blood-Shade is a little more tedious to fight compared to the Blight-Shade. They will charge up briefly, and compress and you will be able to see some red sparkles above their head, they will proceed to follow you and try to stab you with its thorns. They may also appear outside major rewards and protect minor rewards and Golden Boughs.


The Bloat-Shade protects Golden Boughs and minor rewards and will not spawn at major rewards. This enemy has a short and long-range attack, it will try to pull you in to get you closer then once you are close enough, it will pound you in the ground dealing damage to you. Unless you are already close to it, it will directly perform its pounding attack. You may take advantage of the sucking mechanism to deal damage to it once you get close enough as well.

Mourning Root-Stalker

The Mourning Root-Stalker may appear at the beginning of a major reward encounter and is also similar to the Sorrow-Spiller and the Root-Stalker. It will try to trap you by arranging its vine in a circle around you and follow you while performing a shooting attack at you. It is recommended to destroy the vines first then attack them before you are trapped again.


The Bawlder is an enemy that also seems to spawn outside of major rewards though still rare to see. This enemy also comes with armor, making it a bit more of a challenge to take out. It has the appearance of a large boulder that will roll onto Melinoe once they notice her, side step out of the way to have it roll into the environment to wear out its armor then you can attack it.


The Smacker may appear by triggering a major reward encounter, it will follow you once you leave the pastures of the Field of Mourning and leap towards you and deal damage around it. You can bait and attack it after or attack it from a distance after you have worn out its shield.


The Holeheart may be seen when encountering major rewards in the game overall. It will charge up briefly, then take out a glowing red heart from its chest and throw it at you dealing damage to you slightly. However, it will act as a landmine when you're in the range of the red heart, indicated by a red circle around it. They will keep throwing their hearts around the area and will stop despawning until the chamber is cleared of enemies. It is recommended to take them out first so you will not be overwhelmed along with the other enemies in the chamber.


The Mourner is a major reward enemy that will perform close-range attacks. It will charge up and its fists will glow red then will perform a flurry of punches while following Melinoe for a moment. Simply attack it before it attacks you. However, attack it from a distance if they are their Dire versions which gives them armor.


The Lycaon is a more challenging enemy to take out when encountering major rewards. It has the appearance of a werewolf and will dash towards you as it attacks you. It will bring its claws back and they will quickly turn white as it charges, observe its charging pattern, and attack accordingly. They also have a lot of health as well so it could take some time to take them out.


Canines are minions that Lycaons can summon, they have the appearance of smaller wolf skulls that also have their own dash attacks. They will briefly vibrate before performing their dash attack and their health is much lower compared to the Lycaon.


The Lamia is an enemy that spawns after triggering a major reward, they will stop momentarily and launch a red thunder that will follow Melinoe and deal damage once they come in contact with her. Once you attack the Lamia, it will not be able to perform its attacks.


Fields of Mourning Mini-Bosses


The Phantom will summon several Blight-Shades to overwhelm you, it will often do this as the Phantom will not have any armor. You will have to try to take out the Blight-Shades first before attempting to take on the Phantom so you will not get overwhelmed or take damage as you try to attack the Phantom. The Phantom will mostly stay in one position but it will keep attacking so it's best to attack it a few times then dodge away or keep moving after attacking it a few times.

Queen Lamia

Queen Lamia will first summon 4 other Lamia companions that will surround her, the Lamia companions will each have armor and will shoot out lasers to chase you, you will not be able to interrupt the spell casting while they are in an armored state so attack them but constantly keep moving to avoid the lasers and to deplete their armor. Ranged weapons will also be useful in this fight as sometimes the lamia companions will stand on a platform and will be harder to attack through melee weapons. Once you defeat the Lamia companions, you will be able to attack Queen Lamia. Queen Lamia will also have lasers shooting out to chase you, however, instead of 1 laser, she will shoot out 3. So what you can do here is to dodge around her and attack her while doing so, while also not getting too close to her as she may perform a staff slam at you. Queen Lamia will also have armor so it is best to deplete her armor to be able to interrupt her spell-casting. Queen Lamia will also have a red orb that will damage Melinoe if it catches up to her or will turn into a slime puddle and will slow down Melinoe when she steps on it.


Field of Mourning Boss - Infernal Cerberus

Infernal Cerberus was once Cerberus that was cast out from Tartarus by Chronos and became the Infernal Cerberus due to the environment in the Fields of Mourning. Melinoe must help free Cerberus from this state before being able to proceed to Tartarus.

The Infernal Cerberus will have a few different sequences when he attacks which means you will have to check for the right time to dodge to avoid receiving damage, however, after passing 50% of his health, his moves will start to get stronger and stronger and cover larger areas.

During its first phase, the Infernal Cerberus will draw its head back, start to glow white then spit out 3 fireballs that will follow Melinoe and explode after a few seconds will cover an AoE larger than its size, dealing damage to you if you are close by it. Running around Cerberus while he performs this attack will be helpful in avoiding it. Otherwise, if you are close to Cerberus while he glows white, it will bring its arms up and slam it down at you which deals damage and creates 2 circle radiuses on both sides of Cerberus. It may do a single-arm slam but the radius of the circles will be larger. You will be able to attack it from the back as the circle radiuses will not affect its back. 

Once Cerberus is at 70% in Health, Cerberus will either shake and spread Miasma clouds around the arena that could make it harder for you to get to him, stopping you in your position and making you vulnerable. Or Cerberus will summon some smaller enemies such as Blight-Shades, Blood-Shades, or Bloat-Shades. Take them out quickly as Cerberus will still perform its attacks.

When you get Cerberus at 50% in Health, it will begin to dig underground and summon Dire variants of a few enemies from the major reward encounters such as the Smacker, Holeheart, Mourner, Lycaon, or Lamia. Take those out as well before attacking Cerberus.

When you successfully defeat Cerberus, it will appear in the center of the arena and a circle will appear that will deal damage to you if you are caught inside the circle when it starts to glow red. After a brief moment, you will be able to attack Cerberus while it is resting. This is the beginning of its second phase.

During Cerberus' second phase, it will not be stationed in the middle of the arena anymore and will be able to move around the arena. Cerberus will perform a flurry of swipes at you as it launches shockwaves from its mouth. You can easily dodge these attacks and keep your distance from Cerberus. It will also be performing more ground-pounding attacks multiple times following you while summoning the circles just like at the beginning of the second phase. Cerberus will then go back to the middle of the room while summoning more circles around him while he moves around the arena. Cerberus will still try to perform various attacks. You will have to avoid the circles as much as possible and look for an opening to attack him.


Hades 2 Tartarus Walkthrough

General Info

NPCs Encountered

All Items

Tartarus Bosses

Tartarus Mini-Bosses

Tartarus Enemies



Tartarus Environment Guide


Shaderot can only be found in the Tartarus biome but extremely rare to find chambers. You can easily pick these up when you do see them. Shaderot is mostly used for incantations but can also upgrade weapons.

Poppy Seeds

Poppy seeds can be found in some chambers in Tartarus, you will find dirt mounds so you will need to use your Silver Spade to dig them up and then head back to the Crossroads to plant these seeds. There is only a slight chance they will grow into a poppy which can be used for incantations.


Marble can be found in some chambers in Tartarus, you will need to use your Crescent Pick to mine the marble busts. There will be an icon of two golden hands, one above the other, and what looks like a speech bubble icon above it, heading through this gate will lead you to chambers with marble busts. Marble is used for crafting materials.


Tartarus Unique Chambers

Hades' Chamber

Hades is a returning character from the first game Hades. He can be seen by Cerberus after you have defeated Infernal Cerberus from the Fields of Mourning, you will be able to interact with Hades and he will offer a variety of Boons for you to defeat Chronos.


Tartarus Enemies

Wretched Thug
Satyr Supplicant
Satyr Hoplite
Satyr Vierophant


Tartarus Mini-Bosses


Verminancer is a mini-boss that you will encounter in Tartarus after defeating Infernal Cerberus in Fields of Mourning. He uses close-range combat and is able to summon a horde of Crawlers to overwhelm you. The Verminancer has the same appearance as the Satyr Vierophant just larger in size, more health, and deals more damage. Deal with the Crawlers first then proceed to attack the Verminancer, he will continue to summon more than 3 crawlers at a time. The Verminancer will launch 3 round projectiles that will rotate around the chamber, dodge out of the way of the projectiles until they reach farther and farther away, and then go back to deal with the crawlers. The Verminancer will also have armor so be sure to break his armor then you will be able to stagger him and continue to attack him. Be cautious of the projectiles as you do so.



Goldwrath is another mini-boss that you could encounter in Tartarus, it has the appearance of a large floating bag filled with gold. In the chamber where you find Goldwrath, there are 4 towers in each corner that shoots out lasers, as well as a pink tracker to you. Goldwrath has very high armor, so taking out its armor will take some time. At the same time, Goldwrath will drop large gold coins below it to block your way, running into it will also deal damage to you but it will go away after a few seconds. Goldwrath also has its own laser attack that deals higher damage compared to the laser towers, its laser attack will quickly take out your health. Apart from the 4 towers in the chamber, there will also be 4 Chronos busts near the middle of the chamber for you to hide behind to protect yourself from the lasers, but will slowly crumble when too much damage has been taken. There will be pockets where you can attack Goldwrath as well as take out its armor.


Tartarus Boss


Chronos is able to manipulate time so you will not be able to pause the game unless you craft the correct boon or use time-altering abilities. It is reccommended to get the following when you face Chronos, A Damage Cap to deal maximum damage, 2 or higher in Death Defy, Freezing Boon to slow down Chronos, Casting Time Reduction, Knuckle Bones Keepsake to reduce Chronos' health, and Toula The Cat for an extra Death Defy. Paying Hades a visit before taking on Chronos is also a big help in defeating him.

During Chronos' first phase, he will have several moves in which some can be categorized into combos. During the first 60% of his health in phase one, you will see 3 Satyrs to fight you before being able to attack Chronos himself. Take out the Satyrs, then continue onto attacking Chronos, he will be slow in the beginning so you will be able to take out the Satyrs without him interrupting you. It is best to study his moves first before attacking, though dashing forward helps best when avoiding his attacks. Chronos' Cyclone Slash is an attack that will deal the most damage so best to stay away from it. Facing Chronos during this stage is similar to fighting Headmistress Hecate, so treat it accordingly. As you lower Chronos' health, he will then summon 4 flag posts that will generate a shield of protection that can also spread to the Satyrs, simply destroy those then the fight will move onto stage 2 of phase 1, down to 40% health. In stage 2, his slashing attacks will come in combos in 3 attacks maximum. When he gets to the 30% health stage, he will then teleport to the entrance gate of this chamber and summon more reinforcements. The reinforcements will have shields, but it is still recommended to take them out first again before dealing with Chronos. Be cautious as Chronos will summon golden orbs that will circle the room and deal damage to you so it will be slightly overwhleming for you.

During Chronos' phase 2, he will have more combos and overlaping attacks, but will no longer perform the combos from his first phase. Take your time to study his new attack pattern but be aggressive when attaacking him as well. However, Chronos' Marked by Time and Gathering Time attacks affects the whole arena and will deal a lot of damage as well. There will be indicators on the floor to where his attacks will land. After you reach the halfway point of his health, he will then summon hourglasses. You will need to avoid them or using your Freezing boon to slow them down to avoid them as well so you can aggressively attack Chronos. Continue until you defeat Chronos.


Hades 2 City of Ephyra Walkthrough

General Info

  • Biome: City of Ephyra
  • Chambers

NPCs Encountered

All Items

City of Ephyra Bosses

City of Ephyra Mini-Bosses

City of Ephyra Enemies



City of Ephyra Environment Guide


Bronze can be found by mining bronze deposits in the City of Ephyra by using your Crescent Pick. You will find Bronze deposits, which are piles of bronze armor, urns, and other metalwork and simply striking it with the Crescent Pick.


Moss appears as little green fuzz on smaller boulders, you can simply gather them by hand and use them for incantations.

Garlic Cloves

Garlic Cloves can be dug up with the Silver Spade when you find a mound of dirt. You can later plant them at the Crossroads to get Garlic.


City of Ephyra Unique Chambers

Medea's Chamber

Medea can be found through the gates with the golden hands sigil on them, when you reach her, you will be able to interact with her to receive boons.


City of Ephyra Enemies



City of Ephyra Mini-Bosses

Satyr Champion

The Satyr Champion is a mini-boss in the City of Ephyra that has fast deadly ranged attacks. While in his chamber, you will also be met with several smaller enemies as well. Take those out first so the chamber will be empty for you to take out the Satyr Champion. The Satyr only has a few attacks but is still very deadly, make sure to dash through while the Satyr dashes as well and dash through the Satyr triple shot attacks. There will be pillars in the room for you to take cover behind while the Satyr does his powershot. Using your ranged attacks against him at a distance will make it easy for you to take out the Satyr Champion.


City of Ephyra Boss


Polyphemus, who now works with Chronos, is the main boss in the City of Ephyra. Polyphemus only has 2 main attacks, one is where he will summon smaller enemies and another is his jump attack, his attacks will also have some variations to them. He could summon any type of smaller enemy to overwhelm you, when he lands after his jump, it will create shockwaves that will push you back and deal damage to you. Other than performing these attacks, he will remain in place after he has done the attacks, making it easier for you to find the window to attack him.


Hades 2 Rift of Thessaly Walkthrough

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Rift of Thessaly Bosses

Rift of Thessaly Mini-Bosses

Rift of Thessaly Enemies



Rift of Thessaly Environment Guide


Driftwood can be found in most chambers in the Rift of Thessaly, Obtaining Driftwood will unlock the Fishing Pier or the Shrines of Hermes and is used for incantations. Simply pick up the driftwood without the need of any special tool, and you will have it in your inventory.


Iron is a rare crafting metal used for incantations as well as weapon unlocks and upgrades. Iron can be found on a plate of stacked cannonballs that you will need to use your Crescent Pick to mine at to obtain iron.

Mandrake Seeds

Mandrake Seeds can be found under dirt piles in some chambers in the Rift of Thessaly, they can easily be dug up with your Silver Spade. After collecting the seeds, you can plant them at the Crossroads to grow Mandrake, which is used to upgrade tools or Arcana Cards.


Rift of Thessaly Unique Chambers

Circe's Chamber

Circe is the Witch of Changing, and she can be encountered in a chamber guarded by the gates with the golden hands' sigil. Interacting with Circe will allow you to receive boons to change or improve Melinoe's health receiving, Arcana Cards, as well as her size for combat.

Rift of Thessaly Enemies

Harpy Talon


Rift of Thessaly Mini-Bosses


Charybdis is a mini-boss that can be found in a chamber at the Rift of Thessaly, is an old enemy of Odysseus. Charybdis will use 2 to 3 of its tentacles at a time while fighting you, but it is still recommended to study the animation of each tentacle before each attack to properly find the window to attack each tentacle. Defeating Charybdis is quite simple when you have studied its animation wind-up as well as the attacks itself, otherwise, it would be just like clearing a chamber in any run.


Rift of Thessaly Boss


Eris is the main Boss in Rift of Thessaly, although you encounter Eris as an NPC, she is quite dangerous when going against her. She has an extremely long range as she uses the Adamant Rail that is seen in Hades 1. However, her attacks can be easily telegraphed by the large indicators with her weapon, so though they are dangerous, they can be predictable. Sticking close to her will help you during this fight as almost all of her attacks are long-ranged attacks and take the chance to attack her as often as you can. The environment may also be helpful in your fight with Eris as there is cover you can get behind and hazardous items you can use to your advantage.

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