Scylla and the Sirens

Scourge of the Seas

scylla and the sirens boss hades 2 wiki guide
Location Oceanus
Drops Pearl

Scylla and the Sirens is a Boss in Hades 2. Scylla and the Sirens is the second boss players will fight against in Hades 2, she can be found at the edge of the Oceanus location of the Underworld region. This is a 3v1 boss fight as Melinoe must defeat Scylla and two of the siren bandmates, a guitarist, and a drummer.


Hades 2 Boss Information

  • Optional Boss: No
  • Weak Against: ???
  • Strong Against: ???
  • Resistant to: ???
  • Immune to: ???


Where to Find Scylla and the Sirens Boss in Hades 2

  • Scylla Chamber Symbol: pearl item boss door symbol hades 2 wiki guide
  • Scylla is located at the end of the Oceanus biome of the Underworld region.


Scylla and the Sirens Boss Rewards in Hades 2


Hades 2 Scylla and the Sirens Boss Guide

Scylla and the Sirens Fight Strategy

Scylla and the Sirens is the second boss that players will fight against in Hades 2. In this boss fight, the players will be fighting a 3-member band who share the same health under Scylla and the Sirens. Compared to the first boss, this is significantly more difficult as a lot is going on given the number of units that you will be facing, so this guide will list down all the details you need to know to nail this fight.

First off, the main singer is the one in the clamshell and her name is Scylla. There's Roxy, the drummer at the back who is stationary throughout the fight and the 3rd member is Jetty the guitarist who moves around the map just like Scylla. For the first part of the fight, you want to dash to the drummer first. She doesn't move around like the others and you can stand near her as you land your attacks. Take note that Scylla will move toward your direction but she moves at a slow pace and you have to watch out for the projectiles that are shooting out from her. You will also see some Cymbals of Chaos which are pink in color that explode a few seconds after they first appear.

You can dodge these by dashing out of the rings and staying mobile. After Scylla and the Sirens drop their health to about 70%, you will notice that Scylla will clam up and hide inside her shell. This gives her and Jetty a shield called Sea Barrier where a blue light covers their bodies blocking all incoming attacks. While they're invulnerable, you can focus your attention on taking out Roxy the drummer, and watch out for the Cymbals of Chaos that appear randomly on your feet. Once the invulnerability expires, Jetty will come dashing forward and she can chase you faster than Scylla. When she gets near you, she will cast a Crimson Ring which starts small and will expand outward damaging everything in its path. You can dodge this attack by dashing away from her and then you can focus on attacking the other 2 members.

If you can see Scylla standing next to Roxy the drummer, this is the best time to cast your skills so you can get the most damage. Additionally, Scylla can only be attacked from the front, because her shell at the back will block all incoming attacks if you try to attack her from behind. If you hit her a few times at the back, she will hide inside her shell and then release Shells of Destruction. This is a charged skill that she casts after hiding inside her shell where she shoots out small shells that will damage everything in its path. The projectile gets wider towards the end so you want to dash away from the shells and then run back to her to attack her. She will have a quick opening here and you can attack her freely.

Another attack that you will see from her is the Crossed Flames. 2 lines forming a cross will shoot out from her body and after a second, this will start rotating clockwise, the movement itself is slow but you need to watch out for incoming attacks from the other band members. While this skill is active, dash out of the AoE and focus on a different member. When their health drops to 50%, one of the members will be "featured" and in our case,it was Jetty the Guitarist who was given the spotlight. Jetty will cast the Crimson Ring at a faster speed, with an additional ring, and a wider reach. It basically empowers her skill and makes it more dangerous when she gets featured. 

At about 30% health, Scylla will move faster toward you while casting the Razor Flames. This is a sharp-looking flame that shoots out from the front. During this attack, you can only back away and target another member since attacking her from behind is useless, or you can cast any ranged skills or attacks to chip away at her health while facing her. As you get their health down to 15% and Scylla is the last member standing, she will put up her hand and start rocking back and forth. Fishes will start swarming in all directions. These are minions that you have to clear out as you try and get near her. This final part is the easiest and all you have to do now is land a few more hits to finish them off. 

Scylla and the Sirens Attacks & Counters

Attack Description Counter
Crimson Ring A red ring of fire sprawls out of Jetty the Guitarist's location. This will get a power-up when she gets featured which grants an additional ring, extended area of effect, and faster crawl speed. Dash away from the origin of this skill and focus on other members while this skill is active.
Crossed Flames 2 lines forming a cross shoots out of Scylla's clamshell and begins rotating counter-clockwise after a second. Any units that get caught within its path will get damaged.  You can move counter-clockwise following the movement of the cross and keep attacking Scylla, but this is very tricky because you need to watch out for the incoming attacks from other band members. You can do this if you are confident that you can dodge in time, if not, you can just dash away and wait for this skill to end.
Cymbals of Chaos Pink rings will pulse from the floor and explode after they first appear. These rings will randomly appear in groups of 3-6. As soon as you see the rings appear on the ground, be ready to dash out of the area to prevent getting damaged. 
Razor Flames Sharp razor-like flames will shoot out of Scylla's clamshell while she chases after you. While this skill is active, you can either run away from her and attack other band members, or attack her with any ranged skills while she's facing you. NOTE: Attacking from behind doesn't work on Scylla because her clamshell blocks all incoming attacks from the back.
Sea Barrier Scylla clams up inside her shell and gives a barrier to both her and Jetty the guitarist. The barriers gives invulnerability only to 2 members and this gives you a chance to attack Roxy the drummer freely.
Shells of Destruction After Scylla hides inside her shell, she will shoot out smaller shells that starts with a narrow projectile and will get wider at the end. Dodge this attack by dashing the same path as the projectile but get ahead of it so you can have a bigger space to dodge the small shells.
Song of the Siren Scylla will occasionally fire a deadly note covered in a bubble that will chase after you. You can't kill off this bubble but you can only run away from it and wait until it expires.

Scylla and the Sirens Lore, Notes & Other Trivia

  • Voice Actor: ??
  • Other Notes and Trivia Go Here



  • Oohh....
  • Ohh, hohoho, no way! No way. Lookit, gals, a lady! Ladies never come to see our shows, you must be different, what's your name? Oh, make yourself comfy, we're just about to start, aren't we, gals?
  • It's the perfect pressure down here! Beats the pressure trying to make art while all our fans are watching, begging, Scylla, where's your next song?!
  • Oh don't ever say such things about our fans! Oh hey gals...? What say we give her the old song and dance?
During Fight:
  • One, two, three, four!
  • Our sound!
  • This is Roxy!
  • Ngh, dammit, Roxy!
After Fight:
  • Ungh, how can this be?!



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