Infernal Beast

Infernal Cerberus

infernal beast boss hades 2 wiki guide
Location Fields of Mourning
Drops Tears

Infernal Beast is a Boss in Hades 2. The Infernal Beast is an infernal variant of the three-headed dog, Cerberus. Melinoe believes that Chronos is responsible for turning the Hound of Hades into a hostile and unrelenting creature. Defeating the Infernal Beast will release it from being "possessed" and change back to its original form.


Hades 2 Boss Information

  • Optional Boss: No
  • Weak Against: ???
  • Strong Against: ???
  • Resistant to: ???
  • Immune to: ???


Where to Find Infernal Beast Boss in Hades 2

  • Infernal Beast Chamber Symbol: tears item boss door symbol hades 2 wiki guide
  • The Infernal Beast is a main boss encountered in the Fields of Mourning biome of the Underworld region.


Infernal Beast Boss Rewards in Hades 2


Hades 2 Infernal Beast Boss Guide

Infernal Beast Fight Strategy

The Infernal Beast is a three-headed dog also known as Infernal Cerberus. It spares no time in having a conversation with Melinoe and proceeds to attack as soon as you encounter it. As it springs from the ground, it begins with a Trample where he stomps the ground with its massive paw. It creates a wave of ground tremors that damages everything in its area. The Infernal Beast's movement is slow and you can anticipate the incoming attacks by looking at its legs. During this attack, you want to try and get behind it so you are safe from any of his attacks.

After a while, the beast will switch to casting Crimson Hellhounds where it smashes both of its arms on the ground and multiple rings of crimson will appear on the ground. The Crimson Hellhounds have a few seconds before it detonates where you can see the etchings on the inside get filled up. Once complete, the hellhounds will erupt from the ground detonating the rings. While this spell is active, make sure to stay away from the AoE and attack it with ranged skills and attacks.

When Infernal Cerberus drops his health to about 50%, he will go underground and summon Hellhounds, his minions to fight you. Damaging the hellhounds doesn't have any effect on Infernal Cerberus but in order for him to come back to the ground, you need to defeat his minions. After a while, you will see a single ring of crimson color in the center, which marks the point of his return. From here on, he will start using Fiery Breath periodically. This is a wind-up attack where you can see it breathe out flames that detonate upon reaching the maximum distance. This attack have a very wide AoE and you need to really dash away from the balls of flame that you see moving about. 

The basic pattern of fighting this boss is to avoid the Crimson Hellhounds or the red rings that you see. The other attacks are manageable since their movements are pretty slow and predictable. After a while, when you get its HP drop to about 30%, he will start casting the Crimson Hellhounds more frequently with additional rings of up to 6, the rings are huge and are easy to spot. At 10%, the Infernal Beast becomes desperate and will cast Infernal Flames where he shoots out fire from his mouth following your direction. This movement is still slow and you can dash behind it to continue attacking without getting damaged. Once you defeat it, you will soothe the beast.

Infernal Beast Attacks & Counters

Attack Description Counter
Crimson Hellhounds The most dangerous spell of the Infernal Beast. You will see rings of red crimson etched on the ground which will detonate after a while, and then the hellhounds will erupt from underground. Avoid the rings that you see and attack the Infernal Beast with ranged skills and attack to chip away at its health while this skill is active. 
Fiery Breath When the Infernal Beast's health drops to 50%, it shoots out fiery breath that detonates upon reaching the maximum distance. The Fiery Breath explosion AoE is wide so you need to get to the other side of the map to avoid getting damaged. Dash towards the other side of the map, and attack from behind to get the maximum damage.
Infernal Flames The Infernal Beast shoots out a laser-like flame at a slow speed. This is usually done by the Infernal Beast when its health is low or at 10%.  Get behind the Infernal Beast by dashing to either side. Avoid attacking from the frontal area as the fire will come out of its mouth.
Infernal Swipes This is the basic attack of the Infernal Beast where it swipes with either leg to damage you. Dash behind the Infernal Beast and attack it from the back.
Trample The Infernal Beast stomps the ground with all its might. Pay attention to its legs and dodge to either side or behind it to avoid getting damaged.

Infernal Beast Lore, Notes & Other Trivia

  • Voice Actor: ??
  • Other Notes and Trivia Go Here



  • Erm... hello? - Melinoe
During Fight:
  • Three heads... you're... - Melinoe
  • No! Heel! Stay! - Melinoe
  • Cerberus, is that you?! - Melinoe
  • I'm going to help you, boy! No matter what! - Melinoe
  • Ungh... what...? - Melinoe
  • Hey, get back here...! - Melinoe
After Fight:
  • Spirits of Despair, begone! - Melinoe
  • No, wait, stay! - Melinoe



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