Charybdis the Devouring

Sea Monster

charybdis the devouring boss hades 2 wiki guide
Location Rift of Thessaly
Drops None

Charybdis the Devouring is a Boss in Hades 2. Charybdis is described as a sea monster both in the game and in Greek mythology, this is a secret boss that players can encounter within the Rift of Thessaly biome in the Olympus region. When fighting the sea monster, its body cannot be attacked by Melinoe, but instead, damage and target its tentacles.


Hades 2 Boss Information

  • Optional Boss: Yes (Secret Boss)
  • Weak Against: ???
  • Strong Against: ???
  • Resistant to: ???
  • Immune to: ???


Where to Find Charybdis the Devouring Boss in Hades 2

  • Charybdis the Devouring is encountered at the Rift of Thessaly biome in the second region, Olympus.
  • To reach the surface, players must use the cauldron at The Crossroads to concoct the Incantation "Permeation of Witching-Wards". This will break the ward that leads to the surface.


Charybdis the Devouring Boss Rewards in Hades 2

  • This boss has no specific drops or rewards upon defeating this boss.


Hades 2 Charybdis the Devouring Boss Guide

Charybdis the Devouring Fight Strategy

Best Boon: Soot Sprint is an ideal boon that can be used for this fight. It destroys most ranged shots near Melinoe and inflicts Scorch on foes that fired.

Charybdis the Devouring is a huge boss found on the surface of Olympus. It uses its massive tentacles to launch its attacks that spawn from underground. The fight against Charybdis begins with the Call of the Devourer, where it summons 5 tentacles to attack Melinoe. Players cannot hit the monster directly but will apply damage by attacking the summons. The tentacles will swing themselves and smash the ground, creating a tremor on contact. This can damage a small AoE and can be dodged by dashing behind it.

As Charybdis' health drops to about 70%, the tentacles will start firing pink arrows. These arrows go in a straight line and can be dodged by going to either side of their trajectory. The movement is pretty slow so there's enough time to decide before it hits you. Take note that the arrows have a long range that will reach the entire arena.

When Charybdis calls back the tentacles, it will prepare for its next move called Orb of Fury. The boss will send out red orbs that will track Melinoe's movement throughout the map which explodes in contact. These orbs can be dodged by creating a distance between you and the orbs by running away and then dashing at the last second. It takes some time to practice the perfect timing but it is manageable. As Charbydis' health drops further below 30%, the red orbs will have a variation where it explodes into smaller orbs that will detonate once more. 

After a while, the tentacles will also get an additional attack pattern called Tentacle Bladespin where it spins in place to damage everything in its path. This attack can be dodged by dashing right before the tentacle launches itself for a spin. Charybdis is one of the manageable bosses that you will encounter once you know its attack pattern. Ideally, you want to begin eliminating tentacles from either corner so you can focus on dealing as much damage as you can.


Charybdis the Devouring Attacks & Counters

Attack Description Counter
Arrow Attack The Tentacles will shoot out pink arrows.  The movement of the arrow is straight and predictable. It can be dodged by going to either side of its trajectory.
Call of the Devourer Charybdis summons five tentacles all over the arena at the beginning of the fight. These tentacles will attack Melinoe when she's nearby. Eliminate each tentacle and periodically dodge its attacks.
Orb of Fury Charybdis calls back all summoned tentacles and sends out red orbs that track Melinoe's movements. These orbs will explode in contact. Create a distance between you and the orbs by running away, and then dash at the last second right before the orbs will explode.
Tentacle Bladespin The Tentacles will spin in place to damage everything in its path. Dash out of the reach of the tentacle to avoid getting damaged.
Tentacle Smash The summoned tentacles will smash the ground with a strong force that will damage a small AoE. Dash forward and go to the back of the tentacle.

Charybdis the Devouring Lore, Notes & Other Trivia

  • Voice Actor: ??
  • Other Notes and Trivia Go Here



  • That maw... there's no mistaking it - Melinoe



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