Origin Seeds

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Effect Used to grow into Thalamus
Location Found using the Silver Spade on Digging Spots in Chaos.

Origin Seeds is a Greenery in Hades 2Origin Seeds are seeds that grow into Thalamus after 7 encounters. Greeneries are 1 of the 4 types of Items that Melinoe can encounter throughout her journey. Greeneries are plants and seeds that can be grown in the Crossroads, used as ingredients for certain Incantations, or even sold for Bones at the Wretched Broker.



Life may spring from many different sources, but at first there was only one


Origin Seeds Location in Hades 2

Players can find Origin Seeds in the following locations:

  • Found using the Silver Spade on Digging Spots in Chaos.
  • Players require the Silver Spade in order to obtain Origin Seeds.


Hades 2 Origin Seeds Greeneries Guide

Origin Seeds can be used in the following recipes:


Origin Seeds Notes and Tips for Hades 2

  • Notes, tips, and trivia for Origin Seeds can be indicated here.


All Greeneries in Hades 2
Cattail  ♦  Cattail Seeds  ♦  Deathcap  ♦  Driftwood  ♦  Garlic  ♦  Garlic Cloves  ♦  Lotus  ♦  Moly  ♦  Moss  ♦  Myrtle  ♦  Mystery Seed  ♦  Nightshade  ♦  Nightshade Seeds  ♦  Poppy  ♦  Poppy Seeds  ♦  Shaderot  ♦  Thalamus  ♦  Wheat  ♦  Wheat Seeds

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