The Swift Runner

Arcana Card

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Card Effect

Your Sprint is +20% faster.

The Swift Runner is an Arcana Card in Hades 2. The Swift Runner allows Melinoe to sprint faster with a baseline of +20%, this value can be increased twice after upgrading the Arcana Card. It costs 10 Ash to unlock and 1 Grasp to activate it.


Hades 2 The Swift Runner Arcana Card Information


How to Unlock The Swift Runner Card in Hades 2

  • Unlocking The Swift Runner requires 10 Ash
  • Unlocking an Arcana Card will reveal adjacent ones to it until you complete the full 5x5 Grid.
  • Players need to visit the Altar of Ashes at the Crossroads to access the Arcana Cards menu to manage their selection.


How to Activate The Swift Runner in Hades 2

  • The Swift Runner Arcana Card can be activated with 1 Grasp.
  • Once an Arcana Card is activated, players can equip The Swift Runner provided that they have enough Grasp Meter. The Grasp Meter determines the maximum number of Arcana Cards that can be activated simultaneously and can be increased by spending Psyche. 
  • A majority of Arcana Cards have a corresponding grasp icon hades2 wiki guide40pxGrasp cost that ranges from 1-5, while others have an 'Awakening' condition to activate them.
  • Players can freely activate and deactivate cards by visiting the Altar of Ashes and make adjustments to their current pool of Arcana Cards.


How to Upgrade The Swift Runner in Hades 2

A newly unlocked Arcana Card begins at Rank 1 and can be upgraded twice to reach Rank 3. Players can upgrade The Swift Runner by visiting the Altar of Ashes at the Crossroads. See the table below for the Arcana Card Effect and Upgrade cost for The Swift Runner.

Rank Effect Upgrade Cost
Rank 1 Your Sprint is +20% faster. Starting Rank
Rank 2 Your Sprint is +25% faster. x2 Moon Dust
Rank 3 ??? ???


The Swift Runner Arcana Card Notes and Tips for Hades 2

  • Notes, tips, and trivia for The Swift Runner can be indicated here.
  • Arcana Cards provide passive abilities that players can equip Melinoe at the start of a run by interacting with the Altar of Ashes at the Crossroads. Initially, there is a limited selection of Arcana Cards and players can unlock the rest by spending Ashes. As you unlock new cards, you will reveal the adjacent ones until you complete a full 5x5 grid of cards. 
All Arcana Cards in Hades 2
Death  ♦  Divinity  ♦  Eternity  ♦  Excellence  ♦  Judgment  ♦  Night  ♦  Origination  ♦  Strength  ♦  The Artificer  ♦  The Boatman  ♦  The Centaur  ♦  The Champions  ♦  The Fates  ♦  The Furies  ♦  The Huntress  ♦  The Lovers  ♦  The Messenger  ♦  The Moon  ♦  The Queen  ♦  The Seer  ♦  The Sorceress  ♦  The Titan  ♦  The Unseen  ♦  The Wayward Son

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